
How M'urica Are You? A civics challenge.

In this series, we explore what it means to be a citizen, what veterans and their families can do to defend our Constitution following military service, and provide ways veterans can get involved in helping create a more perfect union. We're all in this democracy thing together, so it's important for every American to know their rights, their responsibilities as citizens, and how their government is supposed to work so we can engage productively to help bring about the best version of America.

How M'urica Are You? A civics challenge.

Hello, and welcome to Vet our Democracy - a podcast created and produced by We the Veterans and Military Families. We are a non-profit, non-partisan, pro-democracy and stridently patriotic organization created by veterans and their family members to promote positive, patriotic civic engagement, counter propaganda targeting the military and veteran community, and help veterans live their best lives as leaders in their communities following military service. In this series, we explore what it means to be a citizen, what veterans and their families can do to defend our Constitution following military service, and provide ways veterans can get involved in helping create a more perfect union. We're all in this democracy thing together, so it's important for every American to know their rights, their responsibilities as citizens, and how their government is supposed to work so we can engage productively to help bring about the best version of America. Oftentimes, members of the veteran community get more credit for knowledge of the Constitution than we deserve. Too many raise their right hands and swear an oath without even having read the Constitution! In this episode, founders Ellen Gustafson, Ben Keiser (USMC), and board members Jeremy Butler (USN) and Joe Plenzler (USMC) test their knowledge against the test questions on the U.S. Government's test for citizenship.Have a listen and see if you can beat them with your knowledge of the United States in this fun and humorous episode.